Carborundum Premium White Polycoated Masking Paper
This product has been replaced by the following product:
Norton Blue Masking Paper 750 Foot Roll
Norton Blue Masking Paper 750 Foot Roll
Norton Blue Masking Paper
No paint flaking or bleeding through
Economical value choice
Approx. 750 Foot Roll
Norton Blue Masking Paper
- Corona-treated so paint won't flake off
- Polycoated to protect against bleed-through
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 02131, 201259, 201260, 201261, 201262, 201263, 70582, 70583, 70584, 70585, abrasives, carborundum, masking, paper, polycoated, premium, protection, white, painting-automotive supplies, masking - protection, carborundum abrasives, Carborundum, Premium, White, Polycoated, Masking, Paper, Coated, prevent, bleed, through, Stronger, thinner, Conforms, curves, better, without, tearing
Description: Carborundum Premium White Polycoated Masking Paper.
Categories: Painting/Automotive Supplies > Masking & Protection
Google Category: Hardware > Painting & Wall Covering Supplies
SKU(s): 201282, 201283, 201284, 201285, 201286
MPN(s): 2131, 70582, 70583, 70584, 70585