Saunders Pro Source Center (SPSC)
Manufacturer & distributor of abrasives, shower installation materials, ceramic tile and accessories, flooring products, Power tools, adhesives, sealers, and cleaners that are needed for all of the above.
Featured Product
Pro Advanced Tile Shower Kits
The Answer to Schluter
A complete, maintenance-free, easy-to-install waterproofing system for showers.
- Dec 11, 2019: SPSC Launch Linear Drain collection.
- Aug 1, 2018: SPSC Launch Tile & Stone leveling System.
- Aug 11, 2016: SPSC Launch our designer Series Drain grate covers.
- Jan. 4, 2016: SPSC Launch Gen II Drain system, & Waterproofing system.
- Nov. 18, 2015: SPSC was awarded distribution of Roberts Bosch Tools.

- Oct. 8, 2013: SPSC was awarded exclusive distribution of the Stainmaster ceramic tile line.
- Oct. 7, 2013: SPSC was awarded exclusive distribution of Stainmaster grout additive and sealer.