Norton A275 PSA 100 Disc Roll 6 Inch Grits 80 - 800
This product has been replaced by the following product:
Sia 1950 Siaspeed PSA Discs Linkroll 6 Inch Grits 40 - 600

Sia 1950 Siaspeed PSA Discs Linkroll 6 Inch Grits 40 - 600
- 6" PSA Discs on Roll of 100
- Grits 40 - 600 are available
- 100 Discs per Linkroll
Sia 1950 Siaspeed 6 Inch PSA Discs
Available Grits
- 40
- 60
- 80
- 100
- 120
- 150
- 180
- 220
- 240
- 280
- 320
- 400
- 500
- 600
- Mixed/Aluminum Oxide (40-80g), Semi-Friable AO (100-600g)
- d-wt paper (40-100g), c-wt paper (120-240g), b-wt paper (280-600g)
- Use for sanding filler compound, polyester substrates, composites, and automotive finishes
- Other dust extraction holes made to order with minimum order quantites and longer lead time
- 1950 Siaspeed PSA Discs are also available in non-roll form
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Product Shipping Information
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 100, 120, 150, 180, 220, 240, 280, 320, 400, 500, 600, 66261131468-8, 800, a275, abrasive, discs, disks, grit, inch, mercer, mirka, psa, sander, sanding, sandpaper, weight, abrasives, sanding - grinding discs, psa sanding discs, 06 inch discs, norton abrasives, Norton, Grits, Sticky, Discs, Weight, loading, Stearate, Linkroll
Description: Norton A275 PSA 100 Disc Roll 6 Inch Grits 80 - 800.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > PSA Sanding Discs > 06 Inch Discs
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 199859, 199860, 199861, 199862, 199863, 199864, 199865, 199866, 199867, 199868, 199869, 199870, 199871
MPN(s): 66261131468-8, 66261131469-5, 66261131470-1, 66261131471-8, 66261131473-2, 66261131474-9, 66261131475-6, 66261131476-3, 66261131477-0, 66261131478-7, 66261131479-4, 66261131480-0, 66261131481-7