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Pro Advanced Custom Tile Mud Kit 48x72 Center or Offset in ABS or PVC

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PSC Pro Gen II 48 x 72 Custom Tile Mud Shower Kit

PSC Pro Gen II 48 x 72 Custom Tile Mud Shower Kit by Pro-Source Center

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waterproofing shower kit, PSC Pro Generation 2 Custom Tiled Waterproofing Mud Mortar Floor Shower Floor Kit for up to 48" x 72" Showers

  • Complete, fully customizable, easy-to-install dry-pack floor waterproofing shower kit maintenance free tile showers
  • Installs with modern high-quality modified thin-set mortar for easier and stronger construction
  • Multiple grate cover color choices with no-screw friction-fit design and integrated hair trap
  • Super strong GEN 2 drain flange available in ABS or PVC

This kit not only waterproofs the single layer sloped mud floor, but also provides for a seamless waterproofing of most or all of the wall areas, curbs, etc.

48" x 72"

Center or Offset Drain

PSC GEN II Mud Kit Installation

  • Includes all the components required to build an fully-bonded water-tight assembly for tiled showers
  • Extremely reliable yet easy to construct
  • Can be easily modified to accommodate smaller or larger installations
  • Can be easily modified for non-standard drain locations
  • Single layer sloped mud bed using quick pitch sticks allows full customization while reducing weight and installation time. No need for the second pre-pitch or pre-slope concrete floor
  • Kit improved to include the strongest and most reliable drain flange for membrane systems on the market
  • Drain flange allows the flexibility of multiple adjustment to riser assembly at end of install
  • Riser-Grate assembly includes a construction plug and features locking grout and mortar grooves to ensure the strongest and most reliable final installation
  • Riser threads into super-strong locking ring to provide ultimate strength and security while still allowing adjust-ability
  • Numerous grate color and style choices available that offer easy removal/reinsertion so that integrated hair trap can be frequently and quickly serviced with no small screws to lose
  • Protects floor, corners, edges, curbs and wall cavities against water and vapor penetrations. In steam applications, all surfaces can be protected
  • Protects all surfaces, particularly in joints and corners, from grout cracking or tile instability
  • Installation can use recommended high-quality modified thin-set mortar readily available from multiple manufacturers for better adhesion and elimination of failure possibilities.
  • Install glass tiles and other high-density materials with this system where other unmodified thin-set systems don't allow these materials.
  • Membrane tested at 0.07 PERM rating - much lower than required for steam showers! Other systems require specialized high-cost membrane for steam
  • Installation methods very similar but easier than competing kits - little to no retraining required for contractors
  • If installer accidentally damages membrane, problem can be easily identified and repaired before flood testing or tile installation
  • Materials are backed by an industry standard 10-year warranty. Grates have a lifetime warranty

Note: You will need to obtain dry-pack mortar mix from your local hardware supply. 4 or 5 parts sand - 1 part portland cement is generally recommended.

How PSC Pro Kits Compare to the Competition

Features PSC Pro GEN II Shower Kit Schluter Kerdi Shower Kit Traditional Rubber Liner Install
Total Material Cost $$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$
Ease of installation and labor time ******** ******* **
Warranty 10 Year 10 Year NA
Choice of multiple brands of high quality modified thinset for easier and better bond You can use modified thinset with Pro Advanced shower kits You cannot use modified thinset with Schluter Kerdi You can use any thinset with the mud bed method
Drain grate colors 5 + 20
(Call for additional color options)
5 Varied per Brand
Riser/Grate construction cover included Pro Advanced shower curbs are optional and the curb sizes are customizable
Schluter Kerdi curb included
Limited curb options
Advanced mortar and grout locking design built into a stronger and more adjustable riser and drain assembly Pro Advanced shower curbs are optional and the curb sizes are customizable
Schluter Kerdi curb included
Limited curb options
Easily serviceable integrated hair trap Pro Advanced shower kits include a hair trap Schluter Kerdi shower kits do not include a hair trap Varied per Brand
No need for silicone sealant in joint or corners of grout lines PSC GEN II shower kits eliminate the need for use of adhesive Schluter Kerdi shower kits do not require Kerdi Fix Adhesive required
Can be easily modified for custom installs Pro Advanced shower pans can be modified easily Schluter Kerdi shower pans can be modified easily The whole installation is technically custom
Rigid, stable non-flexible drain flange reduces chance of failure Pro Advanced shower drain outperforms Schluter Kerdi shower drain Schluter Kerdi shower drain is flexible and prone to failure Purchased Separately
Waterproofing for walls included Pro Advanced waterproofing membrane outperforms Kerdi Schluter Kerdi included Purchased separately
Waterproofing seamlessly protects walls, floors and joints from moisture or cracking Pro Advanced waterproofing membrane outperforms Kerdi Schluter Kerdi included Not protected
Perm Rating for Steam Shower Installations
(TCNA recommends PERM rating of 0.5 or LOWER)
Pro Advanced perm rating is far better than the industry standard and the TCNA recommendation
(PERM rating of 0.07)
Schluter Kerdi does not meet TCNA recommendations for permeability
(PERM rating > 0.5)
Separately purchased liquid waterproofing
(Must use sheet membranes for steam shower protection)
Fully customizable curb options Pro Advanced shower curbs are optional and the curb sizes are customizable
(Solid curb, build your own curb, or no curb)
Schluter Kerdi curb included
(Curb always included)
Limited curb options
(Limited curb options)

Why PSC Pro Mud Kit?

Rather than utilizing a pre-formed pan, these kits have been created to allow you to easily design and build your own custom pan with a single sloped layer of dry-pack mortar and dictate a customized drain location of your choice. These kits are particularly useful if your shower floor area is not a standard size, drain layout, or will include a complex shape. The kits are far less complicated than traditional sloped mud - rubber liner - sloped mud method that required advanced skills and additional installation time. Pro Advanced Mud kits make it easy for you to create a custom-sloped pan using the dry-pack mortar method with less concrete, less time and complete accuracy.

PSC Pro kit waterproofing doesn't just end at the pan like a rubber liner! This system seamlessly waterproofs from the floor area to the walls and curb barrier as well! Unlike rubber-liner installs where grout typically cracks in the joints and corners, the WP waterproofing membrane in this PSC Pro kit provides anti-crack protection. The installer can use modern high-performance grout throughout the entire tile installation without fear of grout cracking issues. The included Quick-pitch sticks help you ensure a quick and easy construction of a correctly sloped dry-packed mud pan.

Compared to older mortar-pan methods that required the tedious labor involved with two sloped floors and a buried vinyl/rubber liner, our modern PSC Pro Mud Kit creates a much faster, easier and fool-proof installation that utilizes superior "surface" membrane protection and next-generation drain systems. Continuous membrane protection from the drain throughout the pan area and continuously up the walls prevents not only damaging leaks but also moisture penetration into the walls. No moisture in the walls means no lingering moisture that can cause structural damage over time or fuel mold and mildew problems in the wall tile. Very high-moisture shower enclosures or steam showers can be installed with membrane

Unlike rubber liners that have to install under the wall board and cause the wall board to "bow" out, our WP surface membrane protects from the top. This allows you to build all of your substrates ahead of time, get them square, flat, level and plumb before you start the waterproofing process. The waterproofing membrane easily bridges and controls expansion gaps you will need between each wall board section.

The latest update now includes the PSC Pro GEN II drain flange. This flange features factory heat-bonded fleece to allow bonding of WP waterproofing membrane directly to flange without the need for an adapter. This flange has been specifically designed to allow for the easiest mud floor install ever! It's as simple as 1,2,3. Seat the flange to the sub-floor and glue into 2" plumbing, lay the quick-pitch sticks around the flange and pack the floor, and finish by applying waterproofing to all substrates.

The Pro Advanced Custom Shower Kit package includes:

  1. 10 Quick-Pitch Standard sticks. More may be ordered as needed.
  2. 4 Quick-Pitch Extension sticks for the center drain option - 5 sticks for offset. More may be ordered as needed.
  3. Total of 135 sq. ft of Waterproofing Membrane. More may be ordered as needed.
  4. 1 - 41' x 5" Waterproofing Joint Strip. More may be ordered as needed.
  5. 1 Pro Advanced GEN II Drain in ABS or PVC
  6. 1 Grate cover in your choice of color (unless NO GRATE chosen)
  7. 1 Grate Puller (Grate is screwless!)
  8. 1 Easily accessed integrated hair trap
  9. 4 Pre-formed waterproofing inside corners
  10. 1 Universal pipe seal
  11. 1 Mixing valve seal
  12. Curb length and type of your choosing (or NO CURB)
  13. If no curb chosen, outside corners are optional


  • Grate size: 3 3/4" x 3 3/4"
  • Features screw-less design and accommodates integrated hair trap
  • Comes with grate puller to easily lift grate for hair trap maintenance

Standard Grates

Drain Grate Cover Satin Nickel FinishSatin Nickel
Drain Grate Cover Chrome FinishChrome
Drain Grate Cover Copper FinishCopper
Drain Grate Cover Glossy BlackBlack
Drain Grate Cover Matte BlackMatte Black
Drain Grate Cover Brushed Nickel FinishBrushed Nickel
Drain Grate Cover Oil Rubbed Bronze FinishOil Rubbed Bronze
Drain Grate Cover Antique Brass FinishAntique Brass
Drain Tile-able Grate CoverTile-able Top

Stainless Steel Designer Grates

(To order your kit with one of the stainless steel grates, choose "NO GRATE" on this kit and add the designer grate of your choice to cart separately)


Waterproof shower Step11. Mark drain location
Waterproof shower Step22. Cut drain hole
Waterproof shower Step33. Install steel lathe
Waterproof shower Step44. Test fit drain flange
Waterproof shower Step55. Glue drain flange onto plumbing
Waterproof shower Step66. Plan pitch stick layout
Waterproof shower Step77. Mark and cut stick lengths
Waterproof shower Step88. Place sticks into position
Waterproof shower Step99. Shim shorter sticks, if needed
Waterproof shower Step1010. Mix dry-pack mortar
Waterproof shower Step1111. Dump mortar mix into pan area
Waterproof shower Step1212. Pack and shape floor
Waterproof shower Step1313. Pack drain flange
Waterproof shower Step1414. Perform final screed with straight edge
Waterproof shower Step1515. Sprinkle water, then smooth final surface
Waterproof shower Step1616. Install curb, if needed (handicap curb pictured)
Waterproof shower Step1717. Set inside corners
Waterproof shower Step1818. Install transition strip
Waterproof shower Step1919. Install wall membrane
Waterproof shower Step2020. Install floor membrane
Waterproof shower Step2121. Expose drain
Waterproof shower Step2222. Waterproof curb
Waterproof shower Step2323. Install outside corners
Waterproof shower Step2424. Test fit riser height and position
Waterproof shower Step2525. Thin-set riser and ring
Waterproof shower Step2626. Final riser adjustment
Waterproof shower Step2727. Ready for tile!

Customer Reviews and Ratings


Review by Jay

Submitted on Aug 21, 2017

Verified Buyer

I've used the pro advance shower kit for several years, and find it to be the best in the market.

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Product Instruction/Manual Files

[pdf] Pro_Advanced_Mud_Kit_Instructions.pdf
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