Roberts 10-147 Cushion Back Carpet Cutter with Row Finder
This product has been replaced by the following product:
Roberts 10-146GT Cushion Back Carpet Cutter
Roberts 10-146GT Cushion Back Carpet Cutter Golden Touch
- Cut all thicknesses of cushion-back carpet and conventional carpet with adjustable blade depth
- Two blades that lock into position for close, precise cutting
- Direct-pressure blade knob holds blades tightly in place
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 10-147, back, carpet, cushion, cutter, cutters, finder, roberts, roller, row, seam, seaming, solid, tool, trimmers, hand tools - equipment, carpet tools, trimmers and cutters, Roberts, Cushion, Carpet, Cutter, Finder, features, added, benefit, patented, attached, Quick, method, Includes, Heavy, Slotted, Blades, replacement, blades
Description: Roberts 10-147 Cushion Back Carpet Cutter with Row Finder.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Carpet Tools > Trimmers and Cutters
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 172859
MPN(s): 10-147