PSC Trench or Driveway Trough Linear Drains
This product has been replaced by the following product:
PSC Midi 40in Trench Linear Drain Channel System
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General shipping InformationKeywords: channel drain, trench drain, driveway drain, psc, exterior channel, residential drain, 40-, drains, trench - driveway drains psc america root, trench - driveway drains, pro-source center, Trench, Driveway, Channel, Trough, Linear, Drains, Total, Length, Built, Residential, residential, where, surface, water, control, desirable, Including, cycle, traffic, installations, install, Compliant, standards, carry, 3000lbs
Description: PSC Trench or Driveway Trough Linear Drains.
Categories: Drains > Trench / Driveway Drains
Google Category: Home & Garden > Lawn & Garden
SKU(s): 269865
MPN(s): CH-900