Rubi BL-Basic Cutters
This product has been replaced by the following product:
Barwalt 70618 Tile Cutter 16 Inch

Barwalt 70618 Ceramic Tile Cutter 16 Inch
- 16" straight cut
- 10" diagonal cut
- Professional quality at an affordable price
Barwalt 70618 Ceramic Tile Cutter 16" Straight, 10" Diagonal Cut
- Adjustable full size measuring guide
- Tungsten carbide with titanium plating cutting wheel
- Linear ball bearing slides
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General shipping InformationKeywords: ceramic, tile cutter, glass mosaic, hand tools - equipment, tile tools, tile cutters, rubi, Basic, Cutters, Available, Guide, Supports, Steel, Aluminum, Mobile, Breaker, Widia, Scoring, Wheel, Included, Quantity
Description: Rubi BL-Basic Cutters .
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Tile Cutters
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Cutters
SKU(s): 260160, 260161, 260162
MPN(s): 25954, 25955, 25956