Sia Hook and Loop Backup Pads 6 Inch 15 Hole
This product has been replaced by the following product:
AirVantage 6 Inch Many Hole Screen Abasive Hook Loop Back Up Pad
AirVantage 6 Inch Many Hole Screen Abasive Hook Loop Back Up Pads
6" (152mm) many-hole back up pads for screen abrasives
Low profile pads
Short j-hook and loop attachment
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 0020-4091, 0020-4092, 242335, 242336, 242389, 6674-7928-0000, abrasives, accessories, backup, hole, hook, inch, loop, pads, sia, backup pads and protectors, for 6- systems, vacuum, Siafast, Backup, thick, holes, discs, thread
Description: Sia Hook and Loop Backup Pads 6 Inch 15 Hole.
Categories: Abrasives > Backup Pads and Protectors > For 6" Systems > Vacuum
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories
SKU(s): 242335, 242336, 242389
MPN(s): 0020.4092, 20.4091, 6674.7928.0000