Carborundum Carbo Finish Polishing Pads 8 and 9 Inch
This product has been replaced by the following product:
Norton Liquid Ice Large 8 and 9 Inch Polishing Pads
Norton Liquid Ice Large 8 and 9 Inch Polishing Pads
Norton Liquid Ice 8" and 9" Polishing Pads
Easy 1, 2, 3 system
Use pads with Norton Liquid Ice for polishing
Package of 1 Pad
Norton Liquid Ice 8" and 9" Polishing Pads
- Super Cut Wool Pad - Step 1
- Blue Cutting Foam Pad - Step 2
- White Finishing Foam Pad - Step 3
- Pads work with Liquid Ice Extra-Cut
- Achieve the optimal cut in the least amount of time while producing the best finish
- No swirl marks
- No cross contamination
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 201185, 70411, 70412, 70413, 70414, back-up, black, carbo, carborundum, finish, foam, inch, mirka, natural, norton, pad, pads, polishing, scotchbrite, sia, wool, yellow, abrasives, polishing pads - compounds, 8 inch abrasives, 9 inch, carborundum abrasives, Carborundum, Carbo, Finish, Polishing, Engineered, Extra
Description: Carborundum Carbo Finish Polishing Pads 8 and 9 Inch.
Categories: Abrasives > Polishing Pads & Compounds > 8 Inch; Abrasives > Polishing Pads & Compounds > 9 Inch
Google Category: Vehicles & Parts > Automotive Care
SKU(s): 201185, 201186, 201187, 201188
MPN(s): 70411, 70412, 70413, 70414