Pro Shower Drain Kit for Shower Systems ABS or PVC
This product has been replaced by the following product:
PSC Pro GEN II Tiled Shower Drain Kit

PSC Pro Generation 2 Drain Kit for Tile and Stone Showers - in ABS or PVC
- Easy to install drain component for maintenance free showers
- Installs with high quality modified thin-set mortar for stronger bond
- Multiple drain grate cover colors choices, friction fit design and integrated hair trap
- Strong GEN 2 drain flange available in ABS or PVC
- Grate size: 3 3/4" x 3 3/4"
- Features screw-less design and accommodates integrated hair trap
- Comes with grate puller to easily lift grate for hair trap maintenance
Standard Grates
Satin Nickel
Matte Black
Brushed Nickel
Oil Rubbed Bronze
Antique Brass
Tile-able Top
Stainless Steel Designer Grates
(To order your kit with one of the stainless steel grates, choose "NO GRATE" on this kit and add the designer grate of your choice to cart separately)
PSC Pro GEN II Drain Kit
- Includes the drain components for a fully-bonded water-tight assembly for tiled showers. Additional waterproof membrane will be needed
- Extremely reliable yet easy to construct
- Can be used for wide variety of installations - small and large showers, center and offset configurations, standard or steam
- Now the strongest and most reliable drain flange for membrane systems on the market
- Drain flange allows the flexibility of multiple adjustment to riser assembly at end of install
- Riser-Grate assembly includes a construction plug and features locking grout and mortar grooves to ensure the strongest and most reliable final installation
- Riser threads into super-strong locking ring to provide ultimate strength and security while still allowing adjust-ability
- Numerous grate color and style choices available that offer easy removal/reinsertion so that integrated hair trap can be frequently and quickly serviced with no small screws to lose
- PSC Pro riser is fully compatible with all Ebbe grates
- Installation can use recommended high-quality modified thin-set mortar readily available from multiple manufacturers for better adhesion and elimination of failure possibilities
- Install glass tiles and other high-density materials with this system where other unmodified thin-set systems don't allow these materials
- Installation methods very similar but easier than competing kits - little to no retraining required for contractors. Design improvements implemented contractor feedback
- System can work with many brands of polyethylene waterproofing membranes
- Components are backed by an industry standard 10-year warranty. Grate has lifetime warranty
Kit Includes:
- 1 PSC Pro Gen II drain flange in ABS or PVC
- 1 PSC Pro Grate Cover. Choose NO grate cover to purchase a designer or other grate separately
- 1 Grate Puller (Grate is screwless!) and 1 easily accessed integrated hair trap
- 4 Pre-formed inside waterproofing membrane corners for shower floor waterproofing
- 2 Pre-formed outside waterproofing membrane corners for curb or bench to wall transitions
- 1 Mixing valve seal (standard 4-1/2") and 1 universal pipe seal (works for 1/2" or 3/4" pipes)
- 1 Construction plug/cover - protect assembly during construction
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General shipping InformationKeywords: barrier, ceramic, custom, drain, kerdi, kerdi-drain, kit, moisture, pro, schluter, shower, showers, sytems, tile, waterproof, abs, drains, square - round drains shower waterproofing systems, drain kits, pro-source center, Shower, Drain, Systems, complete, install, DRAIN, SYSTEM, maintenance, waterproofed, tiled, modified, unmodified, thinset, waterproofing, membranes, Dural, Durabase, ProVa, matte
Description: Pro Shower Drain Kit for Shower Systems ABS or PVC.
Categories: Shower Waterproofing Systems > Drains > Drain Kits; Shower Waterproofing Systems > Schluter Systems > Kerdi Drain Kits; Drains > Square & Round Drains
Google Category: Hardware > Plumbing > Drain Accessories
SKU(s): 176650, 180809, 180810, 180811, 183650, 258945, 258946, 258947, 258948, 258949
MPN(s): TT8007BLK03 PVC, TT8007BRS03 PVC, TT8007BRZ03 PVC, TT8007DRN03, TT8007STS03 PVC