Rubi Master Chalk Line Marker
This product has been replaced by the following product:
Rubi Standard Chalk Line
Rubi Standard Chalk Line
- Ideal System to Quickly Draw Straight Lines Between Two Points of the Wall or Floor
- Supplied with a Bottle of High Quality Powder for Line Marking
- Quantity: 1
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General shipping InformationKeywords: chalk, line, marker, template, hand tools - equipment, leveling and measuring, rubi, Master, Chalk, Marker, Ideal, System, Quickly, Straight, Lines, Between, Points, Floor, Supplied, Bottle, Quality, Powder, Quantity
Description: Rubi Master Chalk Line Marker.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Leveling and Measuring
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Marking Tools > Chalk Lines
SKU(s): 260960
MPN(s): 70928