CSI 62-200 Pro-Cut Plus Defect Remover
This product has been replaced by the following product:
CSI 62-203 Ceram-X Defect Remover and Polish
CSI 62-203 Ceram-X Defect Remover and Polish one product from wool pad cut to foam pad finish
- A fast and effective single-polish system for ceramic type clear coat finishes
- Results in a superior swirl-free finish
- Can save 30% time and cost compared to other methods and provide better results
- 8 oz, 1 quart, or 1 gallon
CSI Demo
CSI 62-203 Ceram-X Defect Remover and Polish
- Cut with wool, finish with foam
- Anti-static formula
- Applies the same methods used to get a perfect see-through optical polish on eyeglasses and telescope lenses
- Removes color sanding scratches, swirl marks and oxidation on both new or cured paint
- Single Polish System For Ceramic Clears
- Superior "swirl free" finish
- Removes 1500 grit on very hard paint surfaces such as ceramic clear coats. Can remove even more aggressive pigtails on normal clear coats.
- No need for glaze or fillers
- Easy application
- Fast and effective
- Waterborne technology - doesn't heat up while working
- Unlike similar competing products, won't get sticky in sunlight
- Easy water cleanup
- Water-based nearly-odorless nano-gel technology
- More time and cost-effective than competing brands or methods
- Also an excellent product for refinishing headlights, polishing metals (like stainless steel), etc.
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General shipping InformationKeywords: automotive, body, carborundum, csi, defect, norton, paint, plus, polish, pro-cut, remover, ultrafina, 245052, 245053, 62-200, abrasives, polishing pads - compounds, polishing compounds painting-automotive supplies, paint compounds, Defect, Remover, effective, remove, surface, defects, through, oxidation, Quart, Gallon
Description: CSI 62-200 Pro-Cut Plus Defect Remover.
Categories: Painting/Automotive Supplies > Paint Compounds; Abrasives > Polishing Pads & Compounds > Polishing Compounds
Google Category: Vehicles & Parts > Automotive Care > Automotive Cleaning > Vehicle Waxes, Polishes & Protectants
SKU(s): 245052, 245053
MPN(s): 62-200